More than 0% of authors lose at least one story during their career — and that's too many! Saving your stories to Shelf of Tales protects you from the unthinkable; you can focus on writing while we focus on backing up every single revision, every step of the way.
Learn MoreTag, track, and summarize each story so you can jump back to them any time. Our deep prose analysis can also help you improve your writing over time — or just before you're ready to get published.
Learn MoreEvery story in Shelf of Tales includes multiple layers of copyright protection and optional registration with the U.S. Copyright Office.
You can download any or all of your stories (and all of their backed-up revisions!) any time you want, in a variety of useful formats.
Our focus is assisting you through your writing career. No tricks, no hidden fees, no complex software — just powerful, easy-to-use, useful tools.
For our most ambitious authors, we also provide an optional assortment of paid features designed to be there when you need them and assuming when you don't.
Our state-of-the-art system uses artificial intelligence to analyze your writing and generate detailed, actionable reports.
Automatically extend your backups to additional services and locations so you're even safer against catastrophic data loss.
See which published authors you write most like — and what specific aspects of your writing style are similar or different.
Let our prose analysis match you with the publishers actively looking for your style and see which of your stories have the highest chance to be accepted by them.
Our integrated submission tracker lets you easily submit your stories to publishers and track their status every step of the way.